Found this when searching through the mags at W H Smiths yesterday desperately trying to find for something different, a bit edgy and came across 'oh comely'. The title was intriguing, started having a look and hey ho! brought a copy home. If you are tired of all the 'samey/copycat' mags out there, this would be great for a complete change.
Looks like the mag is printed 6 times a year, the articles are so different, on lots of electic subjects. The layout is clear, has great drawings and I love the paper its printed on..... so for me it was a real find. The article I particularly loved is the one on on changing the world stitch by stitch (above), certainly gives food for thought.
Now for something different..... does anyone 'write' in their head?????? If I am out somewhere I start 'writing' in my head. I actually see the pen moving with words appearing on the paper. I can see it all in my minds eye (as they say), it seems to me I write pretty decent stuff and then when I get home its all gone!!!!!! It is said we all have a book in us, perhaps thats true. Ciao