Here in the cold of Leicestershire I've been in a semi cant be bothered state of mind, though I've quite a few cards to make for birthdays this month. I definitely need an injection of some description to get me going.
We've had a decent covering of snow and the county has come to a standstill!! but Mollie is loving the snow and wants to be out in it all day - bit cold for that.
I hope you are all keeping warm and well and that the creative spark is flowing... please send some my way. Ciao
'Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us' Anon
Monday, 21 January 2013
Friday, 11 January 2013
Well the big one is here....
Its my BIG birthday this weekend and I intend to celebrate ALL YEAR. I will be travelling to be with family, then its Sunday lunch (not a party), going in a stretch limo and taking a birthday cake in the shape of a skull (made out of chocolate with pink roses).
I really want this year to be special, to try and do some travelling and attend an art retreat, create as much art as I can and to hell with the household chores etc. When you are 20, 60 seems a life time away, but it comes round before you realise and bang! got to make a mark.
It is only a number, its how long you have been alive, it is not OLD, that word should be banned, some people are old at 20, 30 and 40. Its a state of mind and I'm thankful that all my friends are completely off their heads, having fun and living life to the full. So I might have pink/lilac in my hair who cares, you've got to get out there and have FUN. People are so stressed trying to get through life, they need to slow down and get through a DAY, laughing as much as possible, smiling and saying hello. I may not be rich in monetary terms (something always comes along to fill the hole) but I'm rich in crazy friends, family and being able to do what I want in creativeness. It has been a long hard road to get here, some days I didn't think I was going to make it, but here I am. It certainly hasn't been a boring journey, of that there is no doubt, I've travelled, live in foreign parts and made new friends, had no money but managed to live.
I've never had a job that I liked, I was good at what I did but was not settled or happy. Take a warning from that. Life is what you make it as they say, so make it special, take a leap of faith there will be a net to catch you and start a new adventure. That's what I intend to do. Ciao
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