'Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us' Anon

Monday, 21 January 2013

Brrr its cold

Here in the cold of Leicestershire I've been in a semi cant be bothered state of mind, though I've quite a few cards to make for birthdays this month.  I definitely need an injection of some description to get me going.
We've had a decent covering of snow and the county has come to a standstill!! but Mollie is loving the snow and wants to be out in it all day - bit cold for that.
I hope you are all keeping warm and well and that the creative spark is flowing... please send some my way.  Ciao


  1. Not doing too badly here compared to most area. Snow seems to fall and disappear but there's still some around. It's a good time to be in and catch up whilst keeping warm. Hope your birthday celebrations went well and will continue through the year.
    love Jo x

  2. I think it is the weather as I have been on my own since last Tuesday DH is in Spain so the house is clean and everything done giving me loads of me time to journal or craft and I just don't feel like it I have probably spent 10mins in my craft room each day when really I have all day to be in there.My two dogs are loving the snow trouble is they come in with great big clumps of snow stuck to their fur.xx

  3. Very cold here too but luckily no snow (just a dusting here and there) XO
