'Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us' Anon

Thursday, 29 October 2009

New Beginnings

Well here we go, off on another adventure. I've been wanting to start a blog for sometime but not had the courage... but if you don't take a leap of faith you will never know. So here we are.
This is the dictionary definition of Paraphernalia:
formerly, property other than dower that remained under a married woman's own control especially articles of jewellery, dress, personal belonging.
I that how very apt.
I hope that my blog will be fun, interesting, informative and anything else that takes my fancy.....


  1. Olive, I read a comment you left on Fanciful Alice's blog and just HAD to "look you up" (some of the things you said hit home) It's awesome that you started a Blog, but it's even better for you to follow your dreams! May there always be magic wherever you go...

  2. Hello Alina
    Thank you for visiting..... i found so many blogs that have helped me in many ways apart from creatively, so hope you visit again.. follow your dreams. Ciao
